A loan helped to buy tools such as hair dryers and makeup.

Samya's story

Samya an ambitious woman who wants to be productive in her community and does not want to ‎depend on anyone, even her husband. Because of that she started her own business to help her ‎husband with the household expenses and achieve her goals.‎
She started a beauty salon in her home, then after she became a well-‎known in this field, she decided to expand her work and she rented a small space and opened a ‎beauty salon independent from her home.‎
Samya is applying for a loan now to help her buy tools to develop her trade which will increase her ‎income and improve the standard of living for her family.‎

This loan is special because:

It assists individuals who have been affected by regional conflicts.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details