A loan helped to buy marble for his sculpture works.

Armen's story

Armen lives with his wife and daughter In the city of Ijevan in the Tavush region. His wife is a teacher and their daughter is school-aged.

Armen graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in the faculty of sculpture. Armen used to work at the Academy of Fine Arts in the Ijevan branch as a lecturer in sculpture. He says there was a time in his life when he decided to stop lecturing, but he wanted to create as a sculptor. For the past twenty years he has worked in his own workshop, and he takes orders to make different sculptures. Sometimes he creates just for himself, making real all the figures that he has in his fantasy. Armen's works are inspired by nature, music, and love. He enjoys his work and never confuses it with business, since he says that business will destroy the beauty, art, and harmony that he keeps in his sculptures.

Armen processes the stone himself, making it the appropriate size and shape for his future work. Armen lacks stone for his workshop. With the loan he is requesting, he will buy marble for his sculptures.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details