A loan helped a member to buy plastic tables and chairs to decorate for all types of events.

25 De Octubre Group's story

Martha is a 35-year-old woman. She lives with her partner, has two children who are 7 and 13 years old, and her business is decorating for parties and events.

She is loving, with her hands she cures wounds and sadness for those who need it. She is an understanding mother who listens attentively to the problems and joys that people share with her. She carries out her business in the 'plan 3000' neighborhood that is located outside of the city and is known for manufacturing and production in all areas.

Martha has dark skin, is passionate, beautiful, shy, unique, and brilliant. Her jet black hair is soft like cotton and her free spirit is like a bird (standing second from the right, dressed in a white blouse with vertical black stripes).

Her native language is a poem that her mother taught her when she was a young girl and she only shares it with her guaraní relatives. She shares her life with her partner who works in the same business and with her children who study in school. They live in a rented room built of brick and they have potable water, electricity, and a sewage system.

The desire to improve her business led her to lead a communal bank. The businesses of the members are: locksmith's shop, natural health products, used clothing sales, food sales, beverage sales, vegetable sales, and a neighborhood store.

Her business is decorating events and making party favors. The events she mainly decorates for are related to: weddings, communions, baptisms, 15-year-old birthday parties, baby showers, patron saint celebrations, and others. Party favors are accessories that are used for all kinds of parties since they provide originality and detail. There are several types such as: noisemakers (whistles, rattles, etc), giant mittens, hairbands and masks, lights (lanterns, fluorescent necklaces and bracelets), inflatables (balls, hammers, etc), and other items. "If you are going to have a party, never leave the party favors for the last minute..." she says.

Her business is successful because she does it with a lot of dedication. The advantage of her business is that demand exists. The disadvantage is the lack of tables and chairs for parties. Her dream is to expand her business and gain more customers. She wants to buy plastic tables and chairs to decorate environments. This is the second loan cycle with the institution in three years that she has done this business.

For these reasons, Martha requests a loan to buy plastic tables and chairs to decorate all kinds of events.

In this group: Martha Reyna, Martha Isabel, Madalina, Maria Teresa, Franco, Alejandro, Emilse, Miriam

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It expands access to credit.

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