A loan helped a member purchase cornstarch, cheese, eggs, butter, cooking oil, salt, and other ingredients to make popular Paraguayan 'chipas' to sell.

Kuarajy Rese Group's story

This committee, called Kuarajy Rese, is actually an long-established group with 16 members, all with very good expectations concerning the activities that we are accomplishing with them.

Casiana is one of the members of this committee. She is dedicated to selling delicious 'chipas', a typical Paraguayan food, which they make in their own homes and, then, venture out throughout the zone to sell to their many customers. Casiana also receives orders for special events such as final prayers, holy week, and other special activities. She is a very hard-working woman who is very sacrificing and continues to forge ahead.

Casiana is requesting this loan in order to purchase the necessary inputs to continue making her 'chipas', including cornstarch, cheese, eggs, butter, cooking oil, salt, and other ingredients.

Casiana is grateful for this opportunity to continue with her enterprise.

In this group: Estelvina, Doralicia, Petrona, Lidia, Rosa, Mirian, Silvina, Virginia, Estelvina, Casiana, Loida, Mirna, Maria, Sandra

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Harold Dana Sims, PhD.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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