A loan helped a member to buy more fishnets and others tools for her husband’s fishing.

Mrs. Kosal Penh Village Bank Group's story

The village bank, which consists of fourteen members, is located in Chheu Teal village in Kandal province and they plan to use the loan which they obtained for different purposes. Mrs. Kosal P. is the village bank president who has been selected by the members. She is a fishwife.

Her husband, Mr. Khut Louch, is a fisherman who is saving the money to support his family. Although he tries to work hard he still earns less income to support his family living because he has few fishnets and others tools for his fishing. Thus, Mrs. Kosal P. decided to ask for a loan to buy more fishnets and others tools for her husband’s fishing.

She is 40 years old and the mother of four children, three of whom are employed in a garment factory while the other is attending the local school. Mrs. Reth C. does not come to take a loan but her husband does, so he is presented in the picture instead her.

In this group: Kosal, Chantha, Chanthy, Reth, Savoeurn, Sambo, Kemson, Saran, Srey Orn, Mao, Sarem, Sokhom, Ren, Samoeun

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details