A loan helped to buy poultry.

Everlyne's story

Hello! Meet Everlyne, a 26-year-old hardworking, honest, and dedicated farmer who lives in Kipsaina, a remote village in Kitale. She is happily married and has a lovely child. Everlyne has been practicing mixed farming for the last five years and has gained much experience. To provide a decent and comfortable life for her children, she has been selling milk, eggs, and varieties of food crops from her farmland.

Like many farmers from her region, Everlyne finds poultry farming very enjoyable, and she stated that the most enjoyable part about poultry farming is “the increased profits I enjoy.” Her biggest business challenge is meeting demand, which is really high. Everlyne lacks funds to enlarge her poultry farm. She is applying for a KES 65,000 loan to buy poultry.

Everlyne's loan will help her to sell eggs and poultry products to her neighbors and in the local market. This will translate into increased profits and an improved income level. Being a visionary, Everlyne intends to accumulate more profit and expand her poultry business to other markets.

She will use the profit from her loan to repay her loan, permanently change her living conditions, and secure the future of her school-going child. Help her out!

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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