A loan helped to buy fertilisers and seeds for growing crops.

Jorge Alberto's story

Alberto is 32 years old. He studied up to 3rd grade. Currently he works in agriculture and has two young children. He lives with his wife who helps him a lot with the children and with the household tasks.

Since he was very young, Alberto has worked in the area of agriculture. It was his father who showed him how to do this work. He farms 1 hectare of corn with which he hopes to earn a bit of money so that his family has income.

Alberto needs a loan to buy fertilisers and seeds for the crops he grows and thus continue making his dream a reality.

Alberto dreams of being a role model for his children to follow and to guide them in life so that they can also live their dreams.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It enables farmers to plant basic grains to feed their families.

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