A loan helped a member to build a safe and clean toilet in her home with a commode attached to it.

Sumati's Group's story

Sumati is a married lady standing on the extreme right hand side of the photograph. She hails from a small village of Jharsuguda, Odisha, India. Her husband works as a vegetable farmer on a small piece of land and grows seasonal vegetables. He has an inconsistent and irregular source of income. The limited source of income has tied the hands of Sumati in order to build a toilet in her house.

Absence of a toilet makes Sumati walk a long distance to find a open field or an isolated place in order to attend nature's call. She feels that this unsanitary practice is very dangerous as she may get infected due to open defecation and has a risk of crime and molestation.

So, in order to restore her privacy and increase her safety and hygiene, Sumati, along with her other group members, is requesting for a loan amount of 45,000 INR from Kiva's partner People's Forum. She will use her portion of the loan amount to build a safe and clean toilet at her home with a commode attached to it so as to increase her convenience and build a good health.

Sumati is eagerly awaiting for your kind help and generous support.

In this group: Drapadi, Sumati, Sukanta

This loan is special because:

It helps people access safe water, and build toilets and community wells.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details