A loan helped to build a dairy unit.

Habil's story

Habil is 33 years old. He lives in the Bilasuvar IDP settlement. Six years ago, Habil started farming on a small, inherited piece of land in his own garden in Bilasuvar, south part of Azerbaijan. Today, this humble person who has a small family and a son sells milk, eggs, maize, and a variety of food crops. He also raised a cow and uses its milk for house purposes. He is a passionate farmer and, because of his immense knowledge of farming, he commands a lot of respect from other farmers in his village. Dairy farming is close to his heart, and every day he wakes up to milk his cow, and that makes him very proud. Although he makes profits through milk selling, he lacks a proper dairy unit, and he is seeking a loan to build one. Through the loan, he will have a humble time milking and feeding his cow. A good dairy unit provides a sheltered place where cows can relax, and it also helps to protect them from diseases that may arise if they are exposed to harsh weather conditions such as rain and sun. Habil needs 1200 AZN loan for this purpose. He is looking forward to the kindness of KIVA lenders.

This loan is special because:

It helps people who have been displaced from their homes by conflict.

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