A loan helped a member to buy wool wholesale.

Aguilas De Oro Group's story

The "Aguilas de Oro" [Golden Eagles] communal association will begin its thirteenth cycle in Pro Mujer, as part of the Villa Adela branch. It is comprised of eight members and is run by a board of which Dominga is the president. The businesses that the members of the communal association run are varied. Among them are the sale of blankets; the sale of shoes; the sale of baby blankets; the sale of fresh, natural waters; a corner store; the sale of meat; the sale of clothes; and a mechanic's shop.

The loan they seek will benefit the small, micro enterprises in which Dominga works. She states that they joined Pro Mujer four years ago, joining at the invitation of a friend who is client of the institution. Currently Dominga has a business weaving and selling blankets. She learned this business from her aunt, and many years ago decided to open her own business.

The loan she seeks now will be to increase capital (buying wool wholesale) that she will acquire from the wholesale vendors in the city of El Alto. After she makes the blankets she will sell them in the fairs in El Alto. This manner of work allows her to generate earnings to support her family economically. She lives in a common law marriage and has a son.

When asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, she responds that she likes the training in health that the institution offers.

In this group: Dominga, Justina, Elizabeth, Veronica, Viviana, Martha, Cristian Charly, Yesica Lalesca

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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