A loan helped a member to buy more banana for making local drinks for sell.

Dufashanye Group's story

Stephanie is a group leader; aged 47. She is married with 6 children aged between 7 and 24 years. The group is called DUFATANYE which means “Let's help each other” in English. They sell different products and they wish to expand their businesses,make more profits and have a better future.

Stephanie sells local drinks made out of banana and she has been running this business for the past 10 years. With the loan, she would like to buy more bananas for making local drinks for sell. With the profits from the business she would like to renovate her house and to pay school fees of her children.

In this group: Sixbert, Elie, Josephine, Drocella, Merida, Marie Goretti, Aron, Rosette, Immaculee, Triphine, Valentine, Consolatte, Liberee, Jeanette, Consolee, Fortune, Evariste, Jeannette, Priscille, Anne Marie, Fortunee, Lidivine, Jeanne D'arc, Losaria, Esperance, Stephanie, Vestine

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