A loan helped to buy a wide variety of cloth in different colors and designs to attract more customers and expand her business.

Gazala's story

Gazala is a 42-year-old married woman who has three children. She is a vigorous lady and for the past many years she has been running a cloth buy-and-sell business. She buys cloth in various fabrics, colors, and designs from the market at wholesale prices, and then sells them to the people of her community. She has a varied customer base and is able to earn enough through her business. Now she has requested for a loan of 45,000 PKR to buy a wide variety of cloth in different colors and designs to attract more customers and expand her business. She hopes to have a good experience with this new loan. Gazala expects a boost in her earnings with the loan and she plans to spend part of her profits for the betterment of her family.

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