A loan helped to buy food and clothing, eliminating pressure to sell maize for low prices at harvest.

Jaafaru's story

Jaafaru is a maize farmer from Gargari village. As a member of Babban Gona, Jaafaru is excited about the opportunity to become a better farmer. With Babban Gona’s support he has the opportunity to attain yields of up to 8 metric tonnes of maize per hectare of land, 5.5 times the average yield in Nigeria.

Before joining Babban Gona, Jaafaru would have had to sell his maize at harvest, a period when maize prices are at their lowest, to meet his immediate cash needs. With this loan and Babban Gona’s support, Jaafaru can store his maize and sell it in the future for up to 37% higher than the market price at harvest.

Jaafaru is grateful to be part of the Babban Gona family and in the end hopes to use his increased earnings to acquire more land to put into the Babban Gona program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details