A loan helped to purchase cereals.

Winnie's story

There is always a reason to smile, but today Winnie has a big reason, and it is that she is only one step away from being able to start her own cereal selling business, thanks to Juhudi Kilimo and the Kiva lenders.

Winnie is an amazing woman who is a smallholder farmer based in Wekhoye village in the Kitale area of Kenya. Winnie has been practicing livestock farming for ten years to help her husband cover family expenses. She has managed to raise cows and poultry on the farm.

Winnie is seeking a loan to stock her cereals business. She plans to use the money to purchase and transport cereals in bulk to far markets, where she will sell at prices high enough to cover all the expenses incurred plus profit. Winnie is confident that she will be able to repay the loan in time because she is hard-working and financially disciplined.

Returns from the investment will change her life, as she will use the additional income to raise her family's living standards and pay for her sibling’s education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details