A loan helped to buy more biscuits for repackaging and selling, as well as to purchase raw ingredients for her food vending business.

Eugenia's story

Eugenia was able to buy packs of biscuits for her business with her previous loan. She wants to send her gratitude to all the people who are part of the Kiva program.

Aside from selling repacked biscuits, Eugenia also sells viands (local delicacies) for lunch and dinner. She operates her businesses rain or shine. Through these, she’s able to pay for her children’s education and other household expenses.

Eugenia is already starting to save money for their future and planning to make an investment some day. She decided to apply for another loan of PHP 17,000. She will use the money to keep her food vending business operational. The loan will buy packs of biscuits, as well as raw ingredients for making and selling viands that she regularly offers to her customers.

Despite being busy managing the business, Eugenia spares time to attend CCT group fellowship. The groups consist of 10-15 individuals. Eugenia gains strength spiritually and hears testimonies from other CCT partners. She also hears God’s word, studies the Word of God, builds social relationship with other partners, and pays microfinance loans.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details