A loan helped to fence her fruit garden and also repair the irrigation pipes of her garden.

Kristine's story

Kristine is 36 years old and she lives in Geghi village of Syunik region. Kristine is divorced and she lives with her mother and school-aged son. She is a very active and laborious woman and she is always looking for some work, some other way of earning more money for her family and to provide better living conditions for her single son.

Kristine’s mother works at the school and she also works at the same school as a librarian. Simultaneously she is engaged in gardening; on her plot of land she established a nice orchard and has planted there a lot of sweet and tasty fruit trees. She sells the harvest locally. She has persimmon, apple, apricot, grape, pear, peach and plum trees. She also cultivates corn on her land and sells it with her fruits assortment.

She mentions that she is happy that despite of great hardships in her private life and hardships of bringing up her son without his father she is strong enough to overcome and solve all the problems on her life's way.

Now Kristine is asking for this loan amount of 600,000 Armenian drams as she wants fence her fruit garden and also she will repair the irrigation pipes of her garden.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details