A loan helped to invest in metal sheeting, wood and fasteners to build the space for water to run away from her house and protect her family.

Sulma Azucena's story

Sulma is 33 years old and lives in a house that she owns with her partner and three children, two boys (eleven and three years old) and one girl (sixteen years old.

Sulma works selling dairy products, such as cheese, cream, cottage cheese and more. This work allows her to support her household economy. She also receives support from her partner who works as a driver.

Sulma wants to build a space for water to run away from her house as, when it rains, water enters into her house. Sulm is doing this in order to improve her family's quality of life. Sulma is applying for a loan from FUSAI in order to invest in metal sheeting, wood and fasteners to build the space for water to run away from her house and protect her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

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