A loan helped a member to buy seeds and fertilizer.

Los Rosales Group's story

These members are part of the “LOS ROSALES” communal bank, located in the Santa Ana district, La Convencion province, and Cusco department. Tania is 40 years old, single, and has two children. She works in her agricultural business and has a plot of farmland where she raises coffee and bananas and works from 8:00am to 6:00pm. She’s been doing this for several years and things are going well for her. She wants to expand her farming business and is asking for a loan to buy seeds and fertilizer. The members whose photos are added to the group photo were not able to attend due to work commitments. The rest of the members have businesses such as animal sales, livestock, grocery stores, or restaurants. She is grateful to those who form part of this dream through this medium and she promises to make her payments on time.

In this group: Tania, Nely, Ruth Mery, Angelica, Felix, Leandra, Marsial, Marcos, Jose Simeon, Yrene, Marbeli Karen, Yemni, Camila, Carlos, Katherin

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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