A loan helped a member to buy more beer and soda to sell.

Terimbere Group's story

Georgette is the group leader, aged 35 years old. She is married with two children aged 8 and 10 years old. They both go to school. The group is called Terimbere, which means “To Develop” in English. They sell different products and they wish to expand their businesses to change to a better future. She owns a bar and has been running a business for three years. With the loan, she would like to buy more beer and soda to sell. The profits from the business will be used to pay school fees for her children.

In this group: Yoranda, Jeannette, Theogene, Angelique, Josephine, Marthe, Velena, Scolastique, Christine, Merchiadi, Solange, Petronille, Veneranda, Donathile, Madeleine, Emerienne, Emmanuel, Verene, Beathe, Chantal, Georgette, Alphonsine, Rachel, Theopiste, Claudien, Claudine

Loan details

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