A loan helped for the purchase of supplies and the improvement of her production, which can be used to generate income to help with her quality of life.

Cinthia's story

Cinthia lives in Entre Ríos, Cochabamba. Like many inhabitants of the area, she migrated to the tropics of the Cochabamba Valley, in search of a better future. For that reason, since then she has been working all that she can. She first worked as a domestic employee, later as a laborer and in other similar work. She earned money to buy her own agricultural land, where she currently lives and works in pineapple production.

In the beginning, this work didn't require a lot of labor, and on her own she achieved a more ecologically sound management. However, over time the land in the area was spent, and increasingly needed more labor to manage. For this reason, Cinthia is requesting a loan that will allow her to improve the efficiency of her production, which will improve her income and her living conditions. In the future, she will be able to build a more stable house where she can live with more security.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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