A loan helped to buy supplies and fertilizers for his coffee plantation.

Juan Alexis's story

Juan Alexis is a coffee producer in the northern area of Nicaragua. He is 29 years old and lives with his wife and son. His farm covers 3 blocks which is full of coffee plants. He is integrated into the Fairtrade certification process, which demonstrates compliance in the productive, social and environmental areas on his farm, and which has resulted in improved growth performance in recent years.

Juan says that coffee is a profitable line of work. He and his family live with the income mainly from coffee and his biggest challenge is to deal with the pests and diseases that affect coffee. To guarantee proper management of his coffee this year, he is asking for a loan to buy supplies and fertilizers that ensure the necessary conditions for a good harvest. His dedication and discipline allow him to ensure the implementation of all of the jobs that his coffee plantation needs and to continue to improve his income for the wellbeing of his family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mara Nagaki.

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