A loan helped to purchase more clothes for resale.

Viola's story

Viola is a 26-year-old businesswoman residing in Chiredzi District, Zimbabwe. Since both of her parents passed away, she is the breadwinner in her family. Viola is a well-known volunteer in her community who works to keep children in school. She owns and runs a flea market stand at the local business centre, where she sells clothing, accessories, and shoes. After receiving a $500 loan from Kiva last year, Viola expanded her business and bought more clothing to sell. She would now like to take a larger loan to further expand her business. She will use the profits to pay school fees for her younger brother and to build a house for her family.

Viola said, “I really appreciate what Kiva has already done because the loan has transformed my life.” Her desire is to further her education and study business management so that she can further contribute to the development and sustainability of her business.

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