A loan helped to purchase more blankets and clothes to sell.

Suad's story

Suad is 45 years old and widowed, with two children. The oldest is still in secondary class, who has decided to study medicine, especially after her father passed away, suffering from a stroke. Suad’s youngest is a five-year-old boy who is still making his way into school.

Suad's husband passed away two months ago. He was the supporter of his family. His death was a big shock to Suad and her children. Suad wanted to provide a living for her children, so she started working in a kindergarten to make some income. Now she is thinking of starting a retail business, selling blankets and bed covers to friends and neighbors.

Suad is now requesting a loan to purchase more blankets and clothes to sell and to create income in order to save enough money to provide a secure future and education for her children.

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