A loan helped to buy the necessary materials for converting to organic crops, such as coffee plants, organic plant food and fertilizer.

Santiago's story

Santiago is married and is responsible for three children. He produces coffee for different organizations such as Comercio Justo (Fair Trade), Rain Forest and other well-recognized organizations. Now Santiago wants to make his coffee plantation organic. These quality certifications will open more markets for selling his coffee, and, on a personal level, Santiago dreams of giving his family a better quality of life and of working to preserve the environment.

The production of organic coffee is a new technique in the region, which will help to protect the area's biodiversity and ensure better markets for the product. Santiago has more than 10 years' experience in coffee production: "With our experience, and the support of COCAFCAL in the implementation of the new techniques, we will succeed."

Currently, Santiago has set himself the challenge of converting one hectare to 100% organic production, and needs to pay for several things, including coffee plants, organic plant food and fertilizers, labor costs, and other costs associated with the replanting of a coffee plantation under the regulations for organic farming.

A loan will help Santiago convert his land for organic coffee-production, and he hopes to improve his family's quality of life with the earnings.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary-Ann Gallagher.

Loan details

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