A loan helped a member to repair their broken machine.

Phom's Group's story

This group of borrowers contains five members. Mrs. Y., 24, has been selected to be group leader by the members. She has four children who are studying at the primary school. She earns a living selling fruit and vegetables in the Rolous Market, and she can make around $2 per day. She is married to Seoun, 51, who works as a rice farmer. The dry season is coming and Mr. Seoun needs to cultivate the rice crop that he relies on, using the cultivating machine for plowing the land, but unfortunately the machine has broken. Therefore, he talked with his wife and they have decided to ask for a loan to repair their broken machine and to buy fertilizers.

The other four members of the group are S., P., S. and S.. S. is a grocery seller who is widowed. She needs a loan to purchase grocery inventory to sell. P. sells Khmer noodles and she requests a loan to enlarge her business. S. is a widowed farmer and she is applying a loan to buy fertilizer. S. sells desserts from home and she seeks a loan to supply her business. The borrowers all live in the Meanchey Commune of Siem Reap Province.

In this group: Phom, Seng, Om, Toem, Khdeb

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