A loan helped to buy sugar, beans, water, rice, flour, etc. for his business.

Noel Fernando's story

Noel is a very hardworking and responsible man who lives with his family in a town south of Honduras. He has been running a local convenience store from his home for ten years.

Noel needs the loan to buy sugar, beans, water, rice, flour, etc. in order to carry on running his business which provides him with the majority of his income. He hopes that the loan will help him increase his sales as at the moment he does not have the necessary products to cover the demands of his customers.

Noel hopes that the increase in income will allow him to improve the quality of life of his family and allow him to provide his children with the necessary education so that they have better opportunities to become successful in their lives.

Choluteca, Honduras – April 2015

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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