A loan helped a member to buy chicks and feed for the chickens.

Na Tau 11 Group's story

Mrs. Diep is 30 years old; she is married and has a small daughter. She lives with her husband and her daughter in a small house and works at agricultural production such as cultivating rice and cassava, and raising chickens and ducks for a living. She and her husband work very hard to struggle with the difficulties and deficiencies of life.

The earnings gained from cultivation and animal husbandry are unstable so Mrs. Diep has continuously expanded production. This is the first time that Mrs. Diep has taken out a loan from the Anh Chi Em Program, and she will use the loan to buy chicks and feed for the chickens. She believes that with the financial support and the training in techniques of breeding provided by the Program, her investment will do well, so that she could earn good income and improve living conditions for her family.

Mrs. Diep dreams of a more abundant life for her family and a brighter future for her child. In the picture, she is standing in the first row, first from the right.

In this group: Hac, Hanh, La, Nhuong, Phuong, Thuy, Thanh Diep, Bang, Mai, Phuong

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