A loan helped a member to buy and process shea nuts to make crude butter.

Tisongmi Taba – Tamalgu Group's story

Mayisah is a 45-year-old married woman living with the husband and six children in Tamalgu, a community in Northern Ghana. She is the person raising her hand in the group picture. Their group is called ‘Tisongmi Taba – Tamalgu’ Women Association.

All the members are involved in the business of picking and processing shea nuts into shea crude butter. They have been in the business for the past four years. They process high premium shea crude butter, some of which is sold to aggregators in Ghana who then export to the European and USA markets. She sells the butter to many other customers in Ghana. The group is therefore requesting a loan of GHS 8,900 and Mayisah’s share of the loan is GHS 400, which she will use to buy and process shea nuts to make crude butter.

She hopes to increase her income to help her family to have regular food to eat, to buy educational materials for her children in school and repay this loan.

Mayisah thanks Kiva lenders for their support.

In this group: Rakiya, Barikisu, Amina, Arishe, Amatu, Amina, Maami, Sanatu, Mamunatu, Azara, Safiatu, Memunatu, Kande, Adamu, Munira, Zenabu, Sumayatu, Sanatu, Zehiratu, Sanatu, Mayisah, Nayilatu

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