A loan helped to purchase more bags of powdered milk, sugar, a cooler etc.

Mariama's story

This is 54-year-old Mariama. She is married, and has two children aged 26 and 21. She has three additional dependents, who live with her as foster children.

In 2014, Mariama established this ice cream yogurts business. She started the business out of her savings from her salary, and a friend of hers taught her how to prepare yogurts. Her main customers are men and women. She opens her business six days a week, 11 hours a day.

Mariama would like a loan in the amount of SLL 5,000,000. She requires a loan in order to buy additional bags of powdered milk, sugar, a cooler and some liquid flavor to add to her business for resale. She hopes that this loan will help the business to expand. In the future, Mariama plans to buy an additional freezer, improve on her savings, and complete their building project. She thanks you for your support.

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