A loan helped to increase her inventory.

Sarela's story

Sarela is 24 years old. She is a single mother living with her two children and her brothers in her parents' home. She sells groceries but not from a fixed location, rather she travels to sell them to farmhouses which are far from the city and which do not have easy access to these products. Because of this Sarela has many customers who constantly ask her for products. In addition, she sells at a fair price without taking advantage of the situation, which others do who sell at inflated prices. She has had this business for eight years. As she likes going to new places, she has no problem travelling from one area to another. This is her first loan with MFP: she will use the loan to buy more groceries and arrange for a something small to be built which she will use as a warehouse so that her goods are not all in her house.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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