A loan helped to pay for additional groceries she needs in her store and buy ingredients and supplies to continue operating her canteen.

Margarita's story

Margarita sends you her thanks for your generosity because her previous loan has established her business. She was able to increase her funds used for her variety store business. The loan also helped her provide for her daily needs and expenses.

She is very positive that she could improve her business more if you will lend her an amount of 50,000 PHP. This new loan will go towards additional groceries for her store. She will also buy more raw ingredients and supplies she needs to make more viands and food she sells so she can increase her profit from her business. An increase in profit will also result in her business becoming viable and sustainable. Simultaneously, she could sustain the needs of her family.

Aside from growing her business, Margarita aims to give her children a good life in the future. She meets every week with her *co-fellowship members to share stories of her work and to also draw strength and inspiration from the Word of God she studies.

* All CCT community partners / clients are organized into fellowship groups composed of 15 to 30 community partners. The fellowship groups gather each week to study the Word of God, build social capital, and pay microfinance loans.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details