A loan helped a member to buy flour, sugar and other items to make snacks.

Kisa Kyamukama Kosovo Salaama Group's story

Nulu is a repeat client in Ugafode Microfinance Ltd having taken previously a loan of UGX500,000. She is a married woman aged 29 years old with children.

She is a business woman who makes snacks to sell in a bid to raise income and increase on her working capital and expand her business. She has applied for a loan through the group, however she is faced with a challenge of competition and limited capital.

She is very grateful for the support Ugafode Microfinance and Kiva lenders offered to her and fellow group members since they are now able to fund their businesses.

They are pledging continued support and partnership to the Ugafode business as well.

In this group: Afane, Margret, Margret, Paul, Nulu, Rehema

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details