A loan helped a member to purchase super quality feed.

Melati Putih Group's story

The Melati Putih Group has received seven loans from MUK and has paid back well. Kadek, head of the group, manages her loans wisely. Any repayment of the loan can be done on time under her supervision. Kadek sold her piglets for a satisfactory price after keeping them for 2 months.

Kadek is very grateful for the benefits she earned and she thanked lenders for their support. For electricity and water, Kadek spends 200,000 IDR per month.

The Melati Putih Group has received their new loan. The group expected to get a larger loan, but after they had an evaluation by MUK staff, the group received the same loan amount.

Kadek already has 2 sows and she will use her portion of the loan to purchase super quality feed. She must protect the health of her sows. Kadek is a piglet-seller in her village and also a farmer. She uses the pig’s manure as a fertilizer in her garden. One sow can give birth to 8 – 12 piglets. She hopes the sows can give birth safely and the piglets can grow healthy. She will sell the piglets for fattening or pig barbeque. She has a plan to save all the profit and use it for business capital later.

One of the members could not attend the meeting as a member of her family died.

In this group: Kadek, Kadek, Luh, Nyoman, Nyoman, Ni Ketut, Ni Komang, Ni Kadek, Luh, Ni Wayan

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details