A loan helped to buy basic products for her store.

Denia Liseth's story

Denia, who is 36 years old, grew up with only her mother, since her father died when she was a little girl. Since then, her mother worked in buying and selling basic products. In this way she was able to raise her family. She [Denia] is the single mother of two children.

Denia has 10 years of experience in running her own store with the help of her two daughters. Thanks to this business, she has been able to pay for the education of her daughters.

The money will be used to buy basic products for the store, since the patron saint festivities of her community are approaching, and on these dates the demand from her customers increases, and she needs the money to stock and expand her business. In this way, she will be able to have better income, which will be invested in the improvement of the potable water system in her house.

Denia's dreams are to improve the facilities in her store and enlarge her house, since she plans to build two additional rooms, one for each one of her daughters.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

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