A loan helped a member to purchase two solar lights and gain access to cost efficient hybrid seeds and fertilizer for maize cultivation.

Loice's Group's story

Loice is 53 years old and has 5 children. She is a group leader and is representing her group formed by 11 farmers in Webuye District, Kenya.

Loice has been farming with One Acre Fund for years now, having joined the program for the first time in 2010. This decision was largely a result of her desire to have access to quality training and acquire new farming methods and, although she described her last harvest as excellent, she believes she could have a better one this year by continuing to work alongside One Acre Fund. Loice also decided to purchase two solar lights as part of her loan, which she is very excited about, as it will allow her to have light during dark hours for her children to be able to study.

Obtaining this loan means that Loice's Group will be able to receive a total of 7 solar lights, as well as farming inputs to plant a total of 6 acres.

In this group: Loice, Paul, Sara W, Ronald S, Wilfridah N, Erick W, Clara, Samuel, Christine, Dinah, Cyrus

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details