A loan helped to purchase ducks and high-quality feed.

Ku Lar Kone Tan Village Group's story

This community is located Ku Lar Kone Tan Village, in Myanmar Ayeyarwaddy Delta region and it consists of five CBO (Community Based Organization) members who oversee a group of 28 village customers.

This loan will help some group members purchase high-superiority feeds such as dry prawns and other duck foods (costing $18 for four days of feed for 100 ducks). This funding will help other group members purchase ducks or ducklings from which they will earn more from selling duck's eggs. Ku Lar Kone Tan Village group focuses on crop farming and livestock raising of ducks and pigs.

Pictured above are the CBO members from Ku Lar Kone Tan Village, named U Aye, U Thein, U San, U Aung, and U Maung. Included in the picture, U Aye (second from right) is fifty-six years old and married. Two of his children help him in the farm and the youngest daughter is a high school student. His wife takes care of household affairs while U Aye and his sons look after the livestock.

U Aye will use the funds to purchase high quality feed for his ducks. Good feed will improve nourishment of the ducks and quality of the duck eggs, boosting U Aye's family's income.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details