A loan helped to buy tools, welding equipment, and a polisher.

Nelson Arturo's story

Nelson, at 45 years old, is the proud owner of an auto repair shop, which he was able to establish through years of effort, hard work, and savings.

He takes care of all kinds of needs, including motorcycles, cars, and changing tires, among other things.

He is the father of 3 children of ages 2, 6, and 12. Two of them are studying, and the other one, who is still very small, stays at home in the care of Nelson’s wife.

His goals for this year are to keep his business going, increase his profits, register his children in an institution, and improve his living conditions. All of these goals will go hand in hand with the loan that he is requesting to buy tools, welding materials, and a polisher.

These tools will give him a lot of momentum, since he will be able to provide his services with comfort and without needing to go to another workshop to borrower or rent machinery.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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