A loan helped a member to buy sorghum (red millet) to make "dolo" (a local drink) and sell it.

Gbêbré Group's story

Oho, who is the representative of the group, is married and mother to four children. She makes "dolo", a local Burkina Faso drink which she then sells; this drink is made from sorghum and yeast. She needs this loan to buy seven sacks of red millet (sorghum) at a cost of 150,000 francs, and the remainder of the money will be used to pay for wood, yeast, water and other products to make her dolo. By selling her drink, Oho would be able to make sufficient profit to cover her own expenses as well as those of her children, to take care of herself if she fell ill and to continue running her business.

In this group: Oho, Mariétou, Wowo Agathe, Clarisse, Tioupounema, Yibani, K. Françoise

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alison Le Bras.

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