A loan helped to ensure the construction of the perimeter wall of her home, to guarantee the security of her family and her few belongings.

Lidia Del Socorro's story

Doña Lidia is a businesswoman selling used clothing and shoes, in addition to perfumes in her home. In the future she would like to have her store in one of the markets of the capital. She invested her past loan to put dividing walls in her home, and that has improved her quality of life.

Now Lidia is requesting a loan to buy construction materials to continue improving the posterior part of her home. She needs to erect a perimeter wall to guarantee the security of her family and her few belongings, which have required great effort to acquire.

Doña Lidia is improving her little house gradually since the materials are very expensive. For this reason she is going in stages, hoping to finish the whole job very soon.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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