A loan helped a member to purchase hybrid seeds and fertilizer for the cultivation of maize, as well as a solar light.

Janerose's Group's story

Janerose has eight children and is described as a very hard-working individual, which is why she was selected to become the group leader. Janerose's Group consists of 10 farmers in Webuye District and she is happy to be working with One Acre Fund for the first time this year.

Janerose has been a farmer for more than 20 years and, to better support her family, she decided to join the One Acre Fund program this season. Her loan will include not only farming inputs but also a solar light, for which she is very happy. A solar light means she will now reduce the consumption of paraffin fuel and therefore save more money. With the profits from this coming season, Janerose is planning to rent more land to cultivate.

A total of 5 acres will be planted by Janerose's Group, and between them they will receive a total of six solar lights.

In this group: Janerose, Florence, Mary, Mary, Beatrice, Benard, Jerida, Mary, Danniel W, Exceviour

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details