A loan helped to purchase cosmetics, clothing, footwear, undergarments, and other merchandise.

Linda's story

This is Linda. She sends you her thanks for your generosity because her previous loan has enriched her business. Linda operates a business selling cosmetics, clothing, footwear, and other direct-marketing products. She was able to use her loan to purchase additional merchandise products needed to increase her product inventory. Her loan also helped her provide for her family’s daily needs and expenses.

Linda is requesting a 10,000 PHP loan to purchase additional stocks of cosmetics, clothing, footwear, undergarments, and other merchandise items she needs for her direct selling business. Linda is very positive that she can improve her business with her loan. Her customers will likely buy more items if she has more of her products displayed in her store. An increase in sales will also result in a significant increase in profit, which will result in her business becoming viable and sustainable. Simultaneously, Linda could sustain the needs of her family.

Aside from growing her business, Linda aims to be able to buy a house for her family. She meets every week with her *co-fellowship members to share stories of her work and draw strength and inspiration from studying the Word of God.

* All CCT community partners/clients are organized into fellowship groups composed of 15 to 30 community partners. Fellowship groups gather each week to study the Word of God, build social capital, and pay microfinance loans.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details