A loan helped to buy four two-year-old bulls for fattening up and resale.

Kalybek's story

Kalybek is 31 years old, married and a father of two school-age children. Kalybek has a secondary education and, to provide the primary source of income for his family, he is involved in animal husbandry and farming. Having started his business in 2004, today he has 3 cows, 10 sheep, 3 horses, 1 goats and 3 heifers. He has a good farm. In the winter, Kalybek keeps his livestock in barns and takes them to a pasture in the summer. He also grows potatoes for sale on his land plot. He is full of strength and energy to develop his business and be involved in a business he loves because he has to support his family and raise the children. Today, Kalybek's monthly profit amounts to 10,000 som (KGS). He requested a loan in the amount of 100,000 som (KGS) from the "Bai-Tushum" Bank to buy four two-year-old bulls for fattening up and resale. Kalybek plans to invest earnings from the loan into further developing his business and wants to save money to build a new house for his family.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Anna Sorokina-Hailey.

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