A loan helped to buy agricultural supplies.

Margarita's story

Margarita is a 53 year-old woman who is tenacious and enterprising. She has many strengths, and has a strong desire to excel. She is married and has 6 children who have their own independent households. Margarita learned to cultivate beans from her parents and her life partner, whom she has lived with for many years. Through farming she generates income to cover the household expenses.

Margarita's cultivated fields are located close to her home, and this allows her to be watchful and aware of their condition, so as to avoid pests, animals, and other things that can damage the crops. She sells her products in the same area where she lives, and to her neighbors in the nearby and surrounding areas.

At this time, Margarita is requesting a loan to buy agricultural supplies for her crops, such as pesticides and chemical and organic fertilizers. These will greatly help her crops. Over time, her goal is to buy another parcel of land where she could cultivate coffee, because the area where she lives has a climate that is very conducive to this crop, and land that is healthy and free of chemicals and other things that can damage the seeds. Margarita dreams of having enough of her own capital to work freely, and she also dreams of leaving her children with a good property that will enable them to continue to generate income to support their family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

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