A loan helped to buy wood so to repair furniture, manufacture items for sale, or fulfill specific requests.

Jose Guillermo's story

Jose does woodworking. He is the father of 2 grown children and, at the age of 58, he is very happy working in this profession, that he learned from a friend several years ago.
It's wonderful to see someone put so much love in his business despite economic problems, just because he enjoys doing what he does.
He is asking for this loan to buy wood to repair furniture, manufacture items for sale, or fulfill specific requests.
With the support he is getting from this organization, he hopes to diversify the items he is offering, to become more competitive and to create a more sustainable business to improve his quality of life reach his goals and dreams, that he hopes to fulfill with hard work.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jimena Lopez.

Loan details

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