A loan helped to buy cement, bricks, sand and more in order to finish building a hall in her house.

Sandra Isabel's story

Sandra is 43 years old and a housewife. She has a third grade education but could not continue any further at school due to her financial situation. Instead, she decided to learn how to work in order to help her parents with household costs.

Sandra is married and has five children, ages 26, 24, 22, 19 and 16 years old. Only one of Sandra's children lives at home - he is studying and depends on his mother. The rest now have their own homes and jobs. Sandra's husband works in the United States.

Sandra has been working selling fresh cheese for a number of years. She decided to start this business in order to be able to give her children everything that they needed. Sandra also raises pigs, which she sells in order to make a little more income.

This loan from CrediCampo will be used to buy cement, bricks, sand and more in order to finish building a hall in her house. This will give Sandra and her son a little more security in their home. Sandra's dream is to finishing extending her house and to use her loans to make improvements to it.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

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