A loan helped a member to buy 3 tarps to conserve her merchandise.

Mufariji Group's story

Mrs. Mugoli, a member of the Mufariji group, has been a Hekima client for more than 3 years. At 30 years of age, she is married to a taxi driver and a mother of four, all of whom attend school. She lays out her merchandise of cassava flour at her home, which is located on a national route. She is seeking this loan to buy three tarps to conserve her merchandise. Her goal is to diversify her businesses as soon as she is able to consistently save. She thanks Hekima for their financial services to women without material collateral.

In this group: Ndamuso, Rhulinabo, Neresa, Byamungu, Sifa, Mateso, Machozi, Ntabugi, Kulimushi, Maua, Nyota, Vumilia, Mawazo, Rhulinabo, Siuzike, Bitanenwa, Mugoli, Nabintu, Sifa, Neema, Mapendo, Namanvu, Muhindo, Faida, Kubanabantu, Mastaki, Heri, Hogaciba, Chance, Tabu, Nalegamire, Nshekera, Mapendo, Vumiliya

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Sherry W..

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