A loan helped to purchase guano and wheat seeds and to pay a worker to tend to the crops on her land.

Mervete's story

Mervete is 41 years old and has three children between the ages of nine and 13 years old. Mervete is a very hard working woman who does a lot in order to support her family because her husband is ill with a disease that prevents him from being able to work. She not only takes care of the home and the children, but she also plants corn and wheat on their land and sells them.

Right now she is requesting a loan in order to purchase guano and wheat seeds and to pay the worker to tend to the crops on her land since she is unable to do it all herself. She hopes that in the future she will be able to find a job and be able to add even more income to her family. She wants to thank all of the lenders for their support and the opportunities she hopes to have.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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