A loan helped build and deploy 20 more electricity kiosks.

Juabar's story

With the previous loan from Kiva, Juabar now has 35 "Juapreneurs" operating solar-powered kiosks and convenience stores in Tanzania, serving hundreds of happy customers. The previous $3,000 loan added five kiosks in and around Morogoro. Interest by other entrepreneurs for their own kiosks continues to be high, with ten more attending the most recent recruitment session.

In addition, Juabar continues to test out new services along with cellphone charging. For example, many of the kiosks set up solar-powered television sets and charged people to watch the World Cup.

$12,000 of this loan will be used to build and deploy another 20 solar-powered kiosks, plus $3,000 to expand the range of revenue-generating services to all 55 Juapreneurs. With Juabar's business model, tho costs of those kiosks will be repaid monthly by the Juapreneurs, breaking event after 10 months, and profitable every month beyond that. Repayments will come directly from those monthly fees, and secured by the 35 other kiosks currently deployed.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details