A loan helped to purchase additional stocks of ready-to-wear clothing, particularly dresses, shirts, and pants.

Jessielyn's story

Jessielyn is 39 years old and lives in San Andres, Panaon, Misamis Occidental. She is married with 3 school-age children.

Jessielyn earns a living selling ready-to-wear clothing. She has been in this business for more than 6 years, in order to support her husband who is a cargo truck driver. Jessielyn earns approximately PHP 1,000 each month doing this type of business activity. She has requested a loan to purchase additional stocks of ready-to-wear clothing, particularly dresses, shirts, and pants. Jessielyn has been a member of PMPC for almost 3 years. In the future, Jessielyn hopes to engage in direct-selling and multi-level marketing businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details