A loan helped to maintain and cultivate two hectares of coffee now in floral bud stage, thus ensuring a good production for the 2015 market.

Raul's story

Raul is 33 years old and he keeps a stable home with his mother. He lives in his own house of one floor, made of rustic material, located in the small village of Vista Florida in the Santo Tomás district.

Raul was born in this village. He gets along well with the people in the village and district. He has good personal and work references in the area. His house is supplied with water services and is located in the Province of Cutervo of the Cajamarca region in the northern mountains of Peru.

Raul has been working for five years growing coffee in the village of Vista Florida of the Santo Tomás district. He has experience in coffee farming. Currently, he has two hectares cultivated with the variety Catimor which is resistant to disease. The plantation is three years old and in its second year of production.

Additionally, Raul raises small animals (hens, guinea pigs, pigs, among others) and also grows staple food crops.

The loan is for the maintenance and cultivation of two hectares of coffee now in floral bud stage, ensuring a good production for the 2015 market. This will result in increased sales volume and thus increased income. He will then be able to improve his quality of life and that of his family.

Translated from Spanish.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details